Ok, so there are a few more steps, but rest assured that our Success Realty agents in Athens, GA will be there to assist you with all of...
Ok, so there are a few more steps, but rest assured that our Success Realty agents in Athens, GA will be there to assist you with all of...
Where can you dine with your dogs in Athens, GA? We've had to search out the most friendly dog dining in Athens, GA. Why? Well, Bo the Boston Terrier is absolutely devastated when we go to dinner without him. Square One Fish Company has a huge outdoor patio with plenty of seating for fur babies and their families. Spring is soon to arrive in the Athens, GA area and we are getting you ready...
The Athens, GA real estate market is well on it's way to recovery in 2014, in my opinion. Pocket areas still continue to be volatile, but an overall an increase in median price has been occurring over the prior 12 months. Days On Market have also decreased overall. I've also noted that some houses that were not distressed real estate (Short Sales or post Foreclosure) have been...
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